Environmental Planning

Mannerheim Park

The basis of environmental planning is the city plan, and general plans and inquiries compiled during regional planning. Environmental planning considers ecological, cultural-historical and sustainable development values. Greenspaces constructed according to the environmental plan must be pleasant, functional and safe as well as considerate to maintenance needs and economically purposeful. 

Environmental plans are administrative plans of public space use, based on which public spaces, such as parks and playgrounds, gain building licenses. Park and other public space plans must present the principles of the space’s construction and use. 

Mostly the same procedures as in street plan preparation are applied in environmental plan preparation if the park or other public space plan has specific significance to the property owners or occupiers, area users or the environmental image within the project area. 

Environmental plans of areas that will see only slight changes and the purpose of use do not change are approved by officeholders. Environmental plans that present only slight changes are, for example, playground renovation plans. Planning of renovating playgrounds is reported to the property owners near the playgrounds. New environmental plans that have significant effects are approved by the Urban Environmental Committee. These plans are, for example, new playground plans and park plans in the city centre.