Cultural Partners

Audience spectating performers climbing a wall.

Oulu is Looking for Partners for the Cultural Partnership Agreements for the 2025–2027 Season 

The open search for the three-year agreement period opens on May 10, 2024. Send your application via the online eAsiointi service. See the application instructions here. 

An open public application is arranged for cultural partners for the three-year agreement period starting in the beginning of 2025. The application period opens on May 10 and ends on June 7. 

The partners will be chosen based on evaluation and comparison of the applications and applicants. The evaluation group consists of the city of Oulu’s Cultural Services specialists of culture and different art forms and the decision will be made by the Cultural Director. The chosen cultural partners will be revealed in the fall of 2024. 

Culture and arts partnership agreements

The City of Oulu has signed agreements on cultural partnership with 18 independent cultural operators. The first partnership agreements in history were signed in 2006 with four different operators. Today there is a wide range of art involved in the partnerships from literature to literary art and from dance to photography.

The cultural partners receive financial aid for their operations and produce cultural content and events for the use of all residents of Oulu and nearby areas. Partners, on the other hand, can develop as independent, professional cultural operators and plan and develop their activities on a long run.

The cultural partnership in Oulu is a way to expand municipal cultural activities: the city and the residents also gain an access to a valuable network of experts in the field. 

Culture and arts partnership agreements
season 2022–2024

The City of Oulu culture and arts partnership agreements have been made with the following Oulu-based cultural operators and with the following amounts of aid:

Flow ry, 45 000€
JoJo – Oulun Tanssin Keskus ry, 120 000€
Kulttuuriosuuskunta ILME, 20 000€
Mieskuoro Huutajat ry, 30 000€
Nukketeatteriyhdistys Akseli Klonk ry, 90 000€
Oulun elokuvakeskus ry, 125 000€
Oulun kirjailijaseura ry, 25 000€
Oulun Kulttuuritapahtumayhdistys ry, 130 000€
Oulun musiikkivideofestivaalit ry, 35 000€
Oulun Sarjakuvaseura ry, 25 000€
Oulun taiteilijaseura 63 ry, 40 000€
Oulu Urban Culture ry, 25 000€
Pohjoinen valokuvakeskus ry, 60 000€
PROTO-Pohjois-Suomen muotoilijat ry, 30 000€
Soiva Siili Ay, 20 000€
TaikaBox ry, 20 000€
The Irish Music Society of Oulu ry, 35 000€
Uleåborg Jazz Organisation ry /Oulu All Star Big Band, 30 000€