Tapahtumakuva Rotuaarilta

Oulu invests in the development of the event sector – guidelines until 2030 have been drawn up


The city of Oulu has published its Event Friendly Oulu 2030 Plan that defines the guidelines for the development of the event sector in the coming years. The city of Oulu’s Event Services was responsible for drawing up the plan and it was made in cooperation with event organizers, different branches and divisions of the city organization associated with the event sector as well as other interest groups. 

The important starting point of the plan is ensuring the success of the European Capital of Culture year 2026, but it also looks further into the future. The goals are that the event sector is recognized better than before in the city and that the city can respond to the needs of event development. 

The Event Friendly Oulu 2030 Plan includes concrete courses of action for increasing competence in the event sector, reinforcing dialogue between interest groups and the development of support and guidance services responsibly and by utilizing digitalization. The goal is also to increase Oulu’s recognition as an event city.  

The content of the Event Friendly Oulu 2030 Plan will be acknowledged in the updating of the city strategy and the city’s budget planning. “The role of events is increasing in the future when we talk about Oulu’s attraction and retaining power. Many studies have shown that events have exceeded even commercial services as attraction factors of urban centres”, Event Manager Jarkko Halunen states. 

“A wide range of interest groups have participated in the development of event sector and in the drawing of this plan, and the city of Oulu wants to thank everyone who took part in the work”, states Producer Janita Jämsén who was responsible for the compiling of the plan.  

You may read the Event Friendly Oulu 2030 Plan on the city of Oulu website: 
 Tapahtuma-alan kehittäminen | Tapahtumapalvelut | Oulun kaupunki (ouka.fi) (in Finnish)