Oulunlahden koulu.

Oulunlahden koulu on yksi Oulun kaupungin vanhimmista kouluista, se aloitti toimintansa 1.9.1899 Kiviniemen kansakouluna. Nykyisin toimimme kolmessa eri toimipisteessä: Oulunlahden pääkoulu ja piharakennus eli ns. puukoulu, Oulunlahden päiväkodin rakennus sekä Sarasuon korttelikoulu.

Oulunlahti school is a primary school with about 300 students between the ages of 7 and 12, as well as 30 teaching staff members.

Our main building and the adjacent day care centre building hosting some of our classes are located by the sea, about four kilometers south from the Oulu city centre. Our third location, Sarasuo school, is less than two kilometers from the main building. Each location has about 100 students, and we all work as one, open-minded and warm-hearted school.

Our school has a long history, and we are one of the oldest schools in Oulu, having been in operation since 1st September 1899. Although our history is long, we keep ourselves up to date with both pedagogy and technology.

Our core values include fairness, appreciating one another as unique, multicultural individuals and taking care of each other and our environment. We encourage our students to be physically active, being considerate and good friends to others, as well as behaving and acting sustainably and responsibly.

We are an Eco School and active in our international cooperation. We want to increase our students' active involvement in the school life and its yearly planning. One of our main pedagogical tools is STEAM (Science, Technology, Arts and Maths), and we have our own MakerSpace. We also want to encourage the students to use and expand their cultural and language skills.

Our aim is to, together with the students’ families, raise children that have the best possible tools and skills for life.