Kaikukortti Card

With Kaikukortti card, you can get free tickets to cultural events and sites like for example concerts, theatre or museums. You can also attend certain adult education centre courses with the card. Please note that Kaikukortti card is only accepted in the places listed below.

Kaikukortti card is meant for low-income individuals or families who have a customership in healthcare services that distribute the card or in some other service units.

The card is personal and free of charge.

Kaikukortti card becoming fixed in Oulu and distributing new cards

Kaikukortti card for year 2023 is applicable from the beginning of January in the same place as before. Being admitted a new card requires for the applicant's situation to remain the same and their customership in the distributive agency to still be valid. Delays in distributing cards can be expected in 2023 due to becoming the wellbeing service county renewal.

How Can I Get a Kaikukortti Card?

Kaikukortti Card Sites 2023

Card Distributors in Oulu

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