News News Neighbourhoods Select an option...HaukipudasHiukkavaaraJääliKaakkuriKaijonharju-RitaharjuKarjasilta-HöyhtyäKastelliKaukovainioKelloKeskustaKiiminkiKorvensuoraMaikkulaMyllyojaOulunsaloPateniemi-RajakyläPuolivälinkangasTuira-ToppilaYli-IiYlikiiminki Topics Select an option...asioi verkossahyvinvointiosallistu ja vaikutatapahtumatasiointi ja neuvontaasuminen ja rakentaminenkadut kartat ja liikennekaupunkisuunnittelukoulutus ja opiskelukulttuurikulttuuri ja kirjastotkärkihankkeetliikuntaliikunta ja ulkoiluluonto ja ulkoilupäätöksenteko ja hallintoturvallisuustyö ja elinkeinotvarhaiskasvatus ja esiopetusympäristö ja luontopääuutinen Audiences Select an option...ikääntyneetlapset ja lapsiperheetmaahanmuuttajatmatkailijatnuoretopiskelijatyrittäjät ResetRSS Feed 10.12.2024 Oulu will join the national E-library on 1.1.2025 09.12.2024 Make your story a part of Oulu’s New Year celebration 02.12.2024 The city of Oulu’s Christmas greetings from the Rotuaari Christmas Forest 02.12.2024 The Oulu Sport Services’ 100th anniversary culminates with a dance in the Oulu Hall 29.11.2024 Oulu’s new Culture Centre for Children and Youth will be called Kotilo 29.11.2024 Opening time exceptions of exercise facilities on December 5–6 29.11.2024 Culture Partners have been chosen for the 2025–2027 season 29.11.2024 Celebrating Independence Day in Oulu on December 6 29.11.2024 Asema Library’s opening is held on Saturday November 30, 2024 26.11.2024 Verso Energy plans a hydrogen plant in Oulu 25.11.2024 Registration for the spring courses in Oulu-opisto is open! 25.11.2024 The website user survey supports the site’s development work 22.11.2024 The city of Oulu participates in the Government’s anti-racism campaign 15.11.2024 World Children’s Week begins on November 18 – Oulu’s main event is the Day of Joy in the Oulu Hall on November 20 13.11.2024 Oulu comes third in iCapital competition 13.11.2024 OUTI Libraries are closed on 18.11. due to the system upgrade 08.11.2024 The new composition of the Oulu Youth Council will be elected in the Youth Election on November 4–15 04.11.2024 2 500 citizens of Oulu described their experiences of wellbeing in October 04.11.2024 Oulu wishes to join the European Coalition of Cities against Racism 01.11.2024 The city of Oulu’s Open Government Action Plan received EU’s URBACT Recognition for Good Practices 30.10.2024 Programme for Lumo Light Festival on 22–24 November published 28.10.2024 Oulu will be the European Reading Capital of Culture 22.10.2024 The future of Europe is built in cities 18.10.2024 Citizens of Oulu celebrated the opening of the City Hall – almost 17 000 visitors participated in the opening ceremony events 18.10.2024 Streetlights are renewed in the northern parts of Oulu 18.10.2024 President Stubb visits Oulu and Kemi 16.10.2024 Suggest a winner for the sustainable development special recognition award by November 8 14.10.2024 Plenty of activities for school children during the fall break in Oulu 14.10.2024 Suggest one of Oulu’s operators to win the Equality and Non-Discrimination Special Recognition Award 04.10.2024 The city of Oulu was awarded for developing cycling conditions Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 … Last page 9 Next page >