Entrepreneurship Education

Entrepreneurship education increases skills, knowledge and attitudes that children and young people use to build their own path towards the future. It strengthens their preconditions and positive attitude towards studying, work and succeeding in life. 

Everyone of us is an entrepreneurship educator

Entrepreneurship education as a part of everyday activities

Entrepreneurship education can be incorporated in using different learning environments, materials and tools and in activities with agents outside the educational institution.

The regional model for entrepreneurship education

The City of Oulu's entrepreneurship education work is based on the regional model for entrepreneurship education in North Ostrobothnia in years 2023-2027.

Entrepreneurship education in Northern Ostrobothnia means building a sustainable future, strengthening entrepreneurial and working life skills and competence identity, working together, everyday activities and continuous learning. 

Join the Entrepreneurship Education Network of Northern Ostrobothnia, Pyrytys!