Support in Studies

The City of Oulu upper secondary schools follow the Koko koulu ohjaa model, which means that guidance is the whole personnel's goal-oriented and shared work. The entire staff participates in guidance.

Every upper secondary school has a student welfare group that meets regularly and consists of the principal, guidance counsellor(s), school nurse, special education teacher, social worker, psychologist and school-specific representatives of students, guardians and other stakeholders.

The primary task of the student welfare group is maintaining the well-being of the educational institution community and preventing problems.

All upper secondary schools in Oulu have a special education teacher, social worker, psychologist and student healthcare services for general day students. All upper secondary schools have a nurse through whom students can book an appointment with a psychiatric nurse and doctor. Student healthcare supports studying. Medical treatment takes place at a well-being centre in the student's place of residence. 

The principal and the student welfare team are especially responsible for creating and developing a healthy, safe and comfortable study and working environment. However, the entire staff and students are involved in the work.

Further information on services supporting studies is provided below and by upper secondary school principals, guidance councellors and school websites. You can access individual upper secondary school websites by clicking this link.

Forms of Support in Studies in Upper Secondary Schools

Guidance Councelling

Special Education

Student Welfare

Student Healthcare

Student Welfare Services in Upper Secondary Schools and Vocational Institutions

Video: Student welfare services in upper secondary schools and vocational institutions