Building the first snow ski track in Virpiniemi for the fall of 2025 has begun


A new snowmaking system has been adopted in early 2025 in Virpiniemi. Ten hybrid snow cannons and three low-pressure snow cannons are storing snow into a snowbed. This snow will be used to build a new 5-kilometer first snow ski track in Virpiniemi which will be opened in the fall of 2025. 

“During the coming summer season, new air and water piping will be built onto the first snow ski track. That will make it possible to move snow cannons into different locations along the track. In the future, snow can be cannoned directly onto the track even during short periods of frost”, Outdoor Sports Director Mika Puolitaival from the Oulu Sport Services explains. 

Virpiniemi currently has a 1,7-kilometer track for freestyle and classic skiing styles. The track is made with snow cannons. This track’s snowmaking will soon be expanded so that the track will increase to 2,5 kilometers long.