News News Neighbourhoods Select an option...HaukipudasHiukkavaaraJääliKaakkuriKaijonharju-RitaharjuKarjasilta-HöyhtyäKastelliKaukovainioKelloKeskustaKiiminkiKorvensuoraMaikkulaMyllyojaOulunsaloPateniemi-RajakyläPuolivälinkangasTuira-ToppilaYli-IiYlikiiminki Topics Select an option...asioi verkossahyvinvointiosallistu ja vaikutatapahtumatasiointi ja neuvontaasuminen ja rakentaminenkadut kartat ja liikennekaupunkisuunnittelukoulutus ja opiskelukulttuurikulttuuri ja kirjastotkärkihankkeetliikuntaliikunta ja ulkoiluluonto ja ulkoilupäätöksenteko ja hallintoturvallisuustyö ja elinkeinotvarhaiskasvatus ja esiopetusympäristö ja luontopääuutinen Audiences Select an option...ikääntyneetlapset ja lapsiperheetmaahanmuuttajatmatkailijatnuoretopiskelijatyrittäjät ResetRSS Feed 24.01.2025 Dredging in the Nallikari Beach begins 24.01.2025 Building the first snow ski track in Virpiniemi for the fall of 2025 has begun 17.01.2025 The Linnanmaa Swimming Pool and the renovated Linnanmaa Exercise Hall will open on February 3, 2025 08.01.2025 Citizens of Oulu used the city’s sports services for a record-breaking amount in 2024 18.12.2024 Sport Services’ prices will increase starting from January 1, 2025 02.12.2024 The Oulu Sport Services’ 100th anniversary culminates with a dance in the Oulu Hall 29.11.2024 Opening time exceptions of exercise facilities on December 5–6 14.10.2024 Plenty of activities for school children during the fall break in Oulu 04.10.2024 Oulu is number one among large cities in health-promoting exercise 04.10.2024 Swimming schools for primary school children during the fall break 30.08.2024 Youth Action classes offer free of charge sport opportunities 15.08.2024 The Raatti Swimming Pool will open next Monday - women's sauna will remain closed for one more week 01.08.2024 Niko Mikkola will bring the Stanley Cup to Rotuaari on August 4 23.07.2024 Registration for baby swimming groups in Raksila and Vesi-Jatuli opens at the turn of August 10.07.2024 You can swim at the Nallikari Beach again – the bacterial counts have gone down 30.05.2024 The renewal of Nallikari continues through the summer 2024 23.04.2024 Joyful Day of Sports for Oulu’s citizens of all ages in the Oulu Hall on May 4 16.04.2024 Various exercise activities for adults in the summer of the Sport Anniversary year 15.04.2024 Kesäfiilis brings activities to children and young people during the summer vacation 25.03.2024 The Winter Swimming World Championships will return to Oulu in the European Capital of Culture year 2026 27.02.2024 Free-of-charge activities for children and families during winter break 15.01.2024 It’s the time for ideas – how would you spend the participatory budget of 240 000 €?