Dental Care

OIS students are mainly treated at Dentopolis in Kontinkangas, address Aapistie 3. The telephone number for appointments is (08) 5584 6430. Students are invited to dental check-up in grade 1, 5 and 8. Newly arrived families with children in other classes than these should make the first dental appointment themselves. The frequency of further check-ups depends on each students’ individual dental health plan.

Now non-Oulu residents may also have a dental check-up in Oulu. If it turns out that the student needs further treatment (e.g. filling or orthodontic treatment), parents will have to ask the home municipality's dental health care centre for permission first. If the permission is granted, the care will continue in Oulu. If the home municipality denies dental care in Oulu, the care will continue in the home municipality.

To keep teeth in good condition, remember the following:

  • Eat regularly and avoid extra, esp. sweet snacks
  • Drink water if you are thirsty
  • Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day
  • After meal, take a xylitol pastille or chewing gum

We allow OIS students to have a xylitol chewing gum after lunch and the afternoon snack so long as the gum is disposed of in the litter bin before the next lesson.