OIS Test and Project Calendar



  • Teachers will mark in Wilma the dates of upcoming deadlines and summatively assessed work (tests, projects, essays etc.).
  • NOTE! Students will also have many formatively assessed tasks which are not recorded in Wilma (e.g. homework assignments, vocabulary tests and other minor tasks). In addition, many essays and projects with deadlines are done during the lessons and the deadline can be on the same day as a test.
  • A student who misses a test due to illness or other reason authorized by the school, is responsible for approaching the teacher and agreeing on a new test date.
  • Any undone assignments/tests can be done at Läksyparkki on Wednesdays at 14:15. Therefore, it is possible for a student to exceptionally have two assessed assignments on Wednesdays: one during the school day and one at Läksyparkki.


Exceptional test arrangements


 1. Absence agreed beforehand

  • A student whose guardian has requested permission in advance to be absent on a test day, may agree on a new test date with the teacher. The student may do the test either on the following Wednesday in Läksyparkki or as soon as possible at another agreed time.


   2. Absence due to illness

  • Parents are responsible for notifying the school of the absence. The student is responsible for approaching the teacher to agree on a new test time.
  • The student may take any undone test in Läksyparkki on the first possible Wednesday or as soon as possible at another agreed time.


   3. Matters to consider

  • If the student is absent from a test without permission, they are not given a new opportunity to do the test.
  • If the student enters a test and hands in a blank paper, the result is a failing grade.