Information about Environment and Nature

It is a part of Oulu’s core values that we promote measures/ways enabling a sustainable lifestyle, and that we consider the future generations in all our actions. As environmental awareness and the selection of environmentally friendly measures increase it becomes easier to make environmentally responsible choices every day.  

The duties of the Environment Office of the Oulu Region include producing and sharing information about the environment as well as promoting the residents’ environmental awareness. Environmental awareness refers to the totality of information, values, attitudes, and actions regarding the environment. The goal is to create a transformation towards a sustainable future.  

Eco-support is one measure to promote environmental responsibility and awareness among the city’s work communities. Eco-support, coordinated by the Environment Office of the Oulu Region, is implemented with the help of trained eco-support representatives, “eco-supporters”, from city’s work communities. They offer instructions and encourage their fellow workers to act in environmentally friendly ways. Eco-support was launched in Oulu in January 2012 and since then, almost 300 city employees have been trained as eco-supporters. Currently, there are about 120 eco-supporters working in different branches of city administration.

Staying in nature promotes environmental awareness

Access to nature and recreational possibilities support the increase of environmental awareness. Nature in the Oulu region is very diverse, and it provides excellent opportunities for hiking and other recreational activities. In the Oulu region, you can explore, for example, string bogs that are rich in natural value, and emersion coasts with their waterfowl habitats and coastal meadows. 

More information about natural sites and hiking.

There are numerous birdwatching towers in various places in the Oulu region. For example, the towers in Liminganlahti are famous and easily accessible. You can see the locations of the birdwatching towers and platforms on the city of Oulu map service.

You may read further information about birdwatching towers and their locations, entry and equipment as well as bird information from the brochure below.