Library Services
Paying library fees
You can pay library fees or other payments on your library card online through the OUTI Web Library. You need your library card number and PIN, as well as online bank credentials to pay the fees online.
Fees can be paid using the most common payment cards in the libraries of Haukipudas, Kaakkuri, Kaijonharju, Karjasilta, Kiiminki, Maikkula, Myllyoja, Oulunsalo, Pekuri and Rajakylä. Payments in cash can be made at the Pekuri Library and the Oulu10 service points located in the libraries of Haukipudas, Kiiminki, Oulunsalo, Yli-Ii and Ylikiiminki.
Free WiFi
Library users can access the open wireless network Kirjasto. When connected to the open library WiFi, you can also access all services of the Northern eLibrary on your personal device.
Book exchange
Small quantities of books and magazines can be brought to and freely taken from the book exchange carts. Please do not bring dirty or broken books and magazines or games, movies, newspapers, old encyclopaedias or items removed from the library collection.
The book exchange carts are located at the libraries of Haukipudas, Jääli, Kaakkuri, Kaijonharju, Karjasilta, Kastelli, Kaukovainio, Kello, Kiiminki, Maikkula, Myllyoja, Oulunsalo, Pekuri, Rajakylä, Ritaharju, Tuira, Yli-Ii and Ylikiiminki.
Material clearance sales
Items removed from the library collections can be bought from clearance sales at the libraries of Haukipudas, Kaijonharju, Karjasilta, Kiiminki, Oulunsalo and Rajakylä.