Library FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Library card and PIN
How can I get a library card?
You can receive a library card from any OUTI Library or mobile library. Children under 15 years old need a guardian’s written permission. The guardian is responsible for the loans of child under 18 years old. If you are under 18, we will need your guardian’s contact information for your library card.
You may print and fill in the library registration form in advance:
Printable registration form, adults (pdf)
Printable registration form, under 18s (pdf)
The forms are also available in all libraries and mobile libraries. People over 18 years old must present a photo ID when applying for a library card. Your first library card is free of charge.
In which libraries can I use the OUTI library card?
You can use the library card in all OUTI libraries and mobile libraries. OUTI Libraries include the public libraries and mobile libraries of Hailuoto, Ii, Kempele, Kuusamo, Liminka, Lumijoki, Muhos, Oulu, Pudasjärvi, Pyhäjoki, Raahe, Siikajoki, Taivalkoski, Tyrnävä, Utajärvi and Vaala.
OUTI library cards are also used in Oulu’s school libraries, the Ojanperä School Library in Liminka, the Huttu School Library in Taivalkoski, the Oulu Film Centre Library, the Oulu Comics Centre Library and the Byström One-Stop Guidance Centre Library.
My library card has expired, can I renew or update it?
You may renew or update your library card by visiting any OUTI library or by calling the library customer service.
Your contact information will be verified every ten years. The library card will expire even if you have used the card recently. The goal of expiration is to keep contact information updated.
I lost my library card. What can I do? Can I get a new one?
The library card can be locked by announcing the lost card by phone, e-mail or by visiting any OUTI library. A new card can be collected from any OUTI library. People over 18 years old must present a photo ID when picking up a new library card. Getting a new card to replace a lost one costs 2 €.
I do not have a PIN. How can I get one?
You may receive a PIN at any OUTI library. If an e-mail address is saved in your contact information, you may receive a PIN return link via e-mail by using the OUTI Web Library login window’s “Forgot your PIN?” link. You cannot receive a PIN by phone.
I lost my PIN. How can I get a new one?
You may receive a new PIN at any OUTI library. If an e-mail address is saved in your contact information, you may receive a PIN return link via e-mail by using the OUTI Web Library login window’s “Forgot your PIN?” link. You cannot receive a new PIN by phone.
Why do I have to use the PIN when using self-service stations?
A lost library card can cause a lot of damage if a dishonest individual finds it and, for example, borrows items for resale purposes before you realize the card is missing. The PIN is required to prevent such situations.
The self-service stations can also be used to see the library use statistics of the borrower: borrowing, reservations and library fee information. These are confidential pieces of information, and the library must protect them with a PIN. For example, during self-service hours it is convenient for library users to be able to renew their loans by using the self-service station, or to check their reservations and library fee situations. These services are utilized actively with self-service machines.
Customer information and messages
I have changed my name, how can I update my customer information?
You must notify your the library of the change in person. Please bring a photo ID with your up-to-date name with you.
My contact information has changed. What do I need to do?
Please report any changes to your address, e-mail or phone number to the library as soon as possible. You may file a request to update your contact information in the OUTI Web Library.
I receive messages from the library even though I haven’t used the library. Why am I getting messages?
If you are the guardian of someone under 18 years old with library cards, your e-mail address is listed in their customer information.
It is also possible that a customer has inserted the wrong e-mail address in their customer information.
If you are receiving messages from the library that should not be directed to you, please contact the library by phone, e-mail or visit the library.
How can I get e-mail notifications about due dates?
You may request due date notifications in the OUTI Web Library. You may choose how many days before the due date you wish to receive the notification.
The library is not responsible for late returns even if the notifications fail to come through.
What do I do if a close relative of mine has passed away? How can I remove their information from the library customer registry?
You may report the situation to any OUTI library. If at all possible, please return the borrowed materials the deceased person had borrowed. If the deceased person was a guardian to children under 18 years old, the children under 18 must be connected to another guardian’s customer information before deleting the library card of the deceased. Library fees will not be charged from the deceased person’s relatives.
Fees and payments
How can I pay my library fees?
You can pay your fees in the OUTI Web Library as online payments. You can also pay your fees at libraries that accept payments.
There are ten libraries that accept card payments: Pekuri, Haukipudas, Kaakkuri, Kaijonharju, Karjasilta, Kiiminki, Maikkula, Myllyoja, Oulunsalo and Rajakylä Libraries.
Cash payments are accepted at the Pekuri Library and Oulu10 Service Points at the libraries of Haukipudas, Kiiminki, Oulunsalo, Ylikiiminki and Yli-Ii.
Why can’t I pay my fees online?
The minimum payment amount you can pay online is 0.65 €. If the sum of all fees is lower, you may pay the fees at a library that accepts payments.
Online payment is also not possible if an e-mail address is not registered in your contact information. It is needed by the payment service provider in order to send payment confirmations.
I paid the invoice for unreturned items. Why do I still have a borrowing ban?
The borrowing ban will be lifted immediately when the information of the payment reaches the library. This can take 1–3 working days. If it has taken longer than that, please contact the library. If you have more than 12 € of unpaid library fees, you must pay the fees before the borrowing ban is lifted.
Do the library fees carry interest if I don’t pay them immediately?
Library fees do not carry interest over time.
How can I compensate for lost or damaged materials?
You may compensate for the material by paying the compensation price. You can inquire about the price at the library's customer service. New and old materials can also be replaced with a comparable copy in good condition. Video recordings (DVD or Blu-ray) cannot be replaced with a new copy due to a copyright payment the library has paid. Late fees and overdue notices do not have to be paid if you replace the material. The library will remove the fees from your customer information when you replace the material or pay the compensation price.
If you have already received an invoice for unreturned items, the material can no longer be compensated for in any other way.
Loans and reservations
My reservation has been in transit for many days already. How can I get it faster?
The reservation process cannot be speeded up. Holds usually arrive within a week after being packed up for delivery. Some libraries send deliveries only once per week.
I can see several copies of an item I placed a hold on available in the OUTI Web Library, but my hold is still in process. Why isn’t my hold delivered?
Some library items cannot be reserved (for example, short-term loans and school library materials). Some libraries are, for example, open only once per week or temporarily closed due to renovation, which can be the reason why a hold does not leave for delivery immediately.
I don’t want to receive my reservation immediately. Can I pause the hold for some time?
You may freeze a hold temporarily and keep your place in the queue if the item is not on the way to the pick-up library or already arrived.
You may freeze your reservation when logged into the OUTI Web Library, in the tab “Holds and recalls”. Choose the hold you wish to freeze and select “Freeze (suspend temporarily)”. The reservation is suspended until you release it by selecting “Release (resume)”. You may also set a specific date when the suspension will be released automatically.
You may also freeze your reservations by contacting the library.
I returned my loans but I can still see them in my loans. What do I do?
Please contact the library by phone, e-mail, in the OUTI Web Library chat, or in person.
I do not need the material I placed a hold on. Can I cancel my reservation?
You may delete holds in the OUTI Web Library if the item is not on the way to or already arrived. If the hold has already arrived for pick-up, please contact the library. You may also borrow the material yourself and return it immediately.
Can I return borrowed materials to other libraries?
You can return materials to any OUTI library or mobile libraries. The only exception are objects, such as sport equipment, and seasonal tickets which must be returned to the library they were borrowed from.
Library services and opening hours
Why does Google show different opening hours than the library sign, website or OUTI Web Library?
Please see the up-to-date opening hours on the OUTI Web Library or the library website.
Where can I use a copy machine?
A copy machine can be used at the Pekuri Library as well as the Haukipudas, Jääli, Kaakkuri, Kaijonharju, Karjasilta, Kastelli, Kaukovainio, Kiiminki, Maikkula, Myllyoja, Oulunsalo, Pateniemi, Rajakylä, Ritaharju, Tuira, Yli-Ii and Ylikiiminki Libraries. You can use the copy machine during customer service hours.
Where can I use a customer computer and printer?
You can use a customer computer in all public libraries of Oulu. You can also use a printer in all libraries except the Asema and Hiukkavaara Libraries. You can use the printers only during customer service hours. The computers can be used during self-service hours. Please see the opening hours on OUTI Web Library and the Library website.
Where can I use a scanner?
A device for copying and scanning can be found in the Pekuri Library as well as the Haukipudas, Jääli, Kaakkuri, Kaijonharju, Karjasilta, Kastelli, Kaukovainio, Kiiminki, Koskela, Maikkula, Myllyoja, Oulunsalo, Pateniemi, Puolivälinkangas, Rajakylä, Ritaharju, Tuira, Yli-Ii and Ylikiiminki Libraries. You can use scanners during customer service hours.
Where can I use a paper shredder?
A paper shredder can be used at the Pekuri Library during opening times without reservations. The use of the paper shredder is free of charge.
Which libraries have a book exchange?
Book exchanges can be found in the Haukipudas, Jääli, Kaakkuri, Kaijonharju, Karjasilta, Kastelli, Kaukovainio, Kello, Kiiminki, Maikkula, Myllyoja, Oulunsalo, Pekuri, Rajakylä, Ritaharju, Tuira, Yli-Ii and Ylikiiminki Libraries.
You can leave small amounts of books and magazines for others to take and take some yourself freely. Please do not leave broken or dirty items, games, films, materials removed from libraries, newspapers, freely distributed materials or old dictionaries.
Which libraries have a return hatch?
The Haukipudas, Kiiminki and Oulunsalo Libraries use return hatches when the libraries are closed. In Oulunsalo Library, you can return material through the return hatch during the Shopping Centre Kapteeni’s opening times.
Please note that the materials returned via the hatches will only be registered as returned the next day the library opens and can cause the materials to be returned late and result in fees.
Which libraries sell removed books?
Materials removed from library collections are sold at the Haukipudas, Kaijonharju, Karjasilta, Kiiminki, Oulunsalo and Rajakylä Libraries during customer service hours. Card payments only.
Are pets welcome in libraries?
Pets are welcome to visit the Haukipudas, Kaakkuri, Karjasilta, Kiiminki, Koskela, Maikkula, Myllyoja, Oulunsalo, Pateniemi, Pekuri, Tuira, Yli-Ii and Ylikiiminki Libraries. The pets are expected to behave well in libraries.
Read more about pets in libraries.
Online materials
Which materials can be accessed online?
You can read and listen to Finnish and English language books as well as newspapers and magazines in Finnish and in several other languages. Additionally, you can utilize musical instrument education videos and listen to classical music. You can also watch and stream movies and classical and art music concert recordings.
What do I need to access online materials?
You can access the Northern eLibrary online materials if you have a library card from a library in Kainuu or North Ostrobothnia and a PIN.
You need to download the mobile app and use strong identification credentials to use the E-library.
Library online services and links to them can be found on the OUTI Web Library, in the E-Resources tab.
Can I use online materials if I have a borrowing ban?
Online materials can be used even if the card has a borrowing ban.
Why can’t I read newspapers online at home?
Newspapers can only be read at the libraries due to license agreements. You can read newspapers in the ePress service with your own device as well when connected to the library’s Wi-Fi.
I have issues accessing online materials. Who can I contact?
Please contact the library by phone, e-mail, OUTI Web Library chat or by visiting any OUTI library.
Library Customer Service
Do you have questions about your loans, reservations or your customer information?
Call us at 08 558 47337
Mon–Fri 9.00–15.00
Outside the opening hours, please contact the local libraries directly or use online library services.
Ask about the library!
Do you need help with information retrieval or more information about the library services?
Send us an e-mail:
Fill in the contact form
We can only process customer information by phone or at the library.